Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Baby Shower

I am not big on surprises. Probably something to do with the control freak in me. But this weekend was different!

Having managed to pull my ever increasing self together to go with B for afternoon tea to Pilkingtons, I found tea in my living room instead! A bunch of my friends from the HIWC threw me a surprise Baby shower!

It was a lot of fun! It was amazing how much effort had been put into the entire affair! S had organised tons of games, ranging from Baby lotto and scrambles, to guessing the size of the tummy ( a variation of 'weigh the pig' at country fairs!).

Turns out the entire thing was started by M & J who set the ball rolling! There was tons to eat, right from fresh scones to samosas! There were tons of gifts for the little one. More importantly there were tons of funny stories - fortunately non about child birth!

The piece d'resistance was of course the diaper cake! I can't believe I am saying this - but the entire affair felt rather sex and city like!

Now the countdown has truly begun.

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